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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to restore from SHSH Saurik server to perform a local restore

How to restore locally using signatures SHSH TinyUmbrella saved. Here's a guide to recover from these signatures Saurik server, just in case you have not saved locally and Cydia informs you that your device has SHSH the file for your specific version of firmware.

As said, the guide is only useful to those who have saved their SHSH on the server and the homepage of Cydia Saurik see a green script similar to screenshot below. For example, based on the screenshot, for devices that can "collect" from Cydia SHSH files for firmware 4.0.1 and 4.0.2.


* File SHSH saved on Cydia for firmware version that you want to restore (to check you just check the homepage of Cydia as described above);
* TinyUmbrella, you can find the latest on the official blog for all Operating Systems.


1. TinyUmbrella After downloading, open the application and connect the device via USB cable.

2. From the main screen, check the option "Advanced Options".

3. You will see that the new fields appear, one of them consisting of a drop down menu from which to choose your device and firmware version. From this menu choose exactly the model of your device (including iPhone3GS, 4 or 3G, iPod touch 2nd or 3rd generation or iPad) and the firmware version you want to retrieve the file from Cydia SHSH to store locally.

4. In the bottom field instead, called "Request From", make sure you select "Cydia" and not "Apple."

5. After double-checking that everything is set correctly, click on "Save My SHSH" and wait. At the end of proceedings, please make sure you have "captured" file SHSH from Cydia, clicking on the "Display SHSHs.

Now you have all it takes to be able to recover locally, as described in this guide.

How to backup your ECID SHSH file

How to backup your ECID SHSH file

For everyone who is wondering, Crapple has STOPPED SIGNING 3.1.2 FW so at this point you will no longer be able to get your ECID SHSH for 3.1.2 FW. You will only be able to get your 3.1.3 ECID SHSH file.

This guide will explain how to backup your ECID SHSH file for your iPhone 3GS.

Q: What the hell is an SHSH file and why do I need it?
A: When the iPhone 3GS was released Apple introduced a new Firmware restore process. Basically now when you restore your 3GS iTunes will contact Apple's restore server to verify if the firmware you are trying to restore is allowed to be restored to your device. The server then sends a message back either approving or denying the request. If the server APPROVES the request, it sends back a file (SHSH) to iTunes which will then allow you to continue the restore to your device.

However though if Apple is no longer approving requests for certain firmware then you will not be able to restore. Instead you will receive a message telling you that “The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build.”

So by saving your SHSH file you will be able to continue to restore your device even if Apple is no longer approving that firmware. SHSH files are unique for EVERY DEVICE, so you can't just use someone else's file. Also anytime a new firmware comes out you will need to recreate another new SHSH file for that specific firmware. You will only be able to restore your device with firmware for which you have save the SHSH file for.

The only devices that use this method right now are the iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, and the iPod Touch 2G. So you only need to save this file if you have one of those three devices. This DOES NOT apply to the iPhone 2G, 3G or the iPod Touch 1G.

Now with that all being said, onto the how to guide.


Things you will need
  1. First thing you will need to do is put your device into DFU mode. If you don't know how to do that then Google is your friend.
  2. After your device is in DFU mode then open up ECID Grabber and click on the "Get ECID" button. You will then get a pop-up window and your ECID will now be in the box like this.
  3. Next you need to open up Umbrella.exe or Umbrealla64.exe depending on what OS your using.
  4. Paste your ECID into the first box, select the device and firmware that you want to save your SHSH file for and then select Apple for SHSH Repository.
  5. Click Submit and in a moment you should get a message in the bottom right corner just as shown in the picture below.
  6. This file will be saved in the same folder where you loaded Umbrella.exe or Umbrella64.exe

If you would like more info on how you can use this file to RESTORE your device you can refer to this thread.
How to Create Your Own Local iTunes Restore Server!

During STEP 4 you can also choose Cydia from the dropdown list. This will first check to see if Cydia has an SHSH on file for you and if it does then it will save the file to your computer. This will allow you to use this ECID.SHSH file to create a Local Restore Server as described in this thread.
How to Create Your Own Local iTunes Restore Server!

Monday, September 27, 2010

iphone 3gs jailbreak chart................

Device : iPhone 3GS (which boot loader do i have ?)
FirmwareBasebandBoot LoaderJailbreak OptionsSoftwareUnlockSoftwareFirmwareTested with iTunes 4.1 orSn0wbreezesn0wbreezeNoTBADownload9.2 4.0.2NoNoTBADownload9.2
3.1.305.12.01359.3.2YesSpirit, JailbreakMeYesUltrasn0wDownload9.1
3.1.305.12.01359.3YesSpiritJailbreakMeYesUltrasn0wDownload9.0.3, Redsn0w, Pwnage ToolYesBlacksn0wDownload9.0.3, Redsn0w, Pwnage ToolYesBlacksn0wDownload9.0.3, Redsn0w, Blackra1n, Pwnage ToolYesultrasn0wDownload8.2

Fix: “Different SIM Detected”

Last week we told you about a method to fix the “Different SIM detected” error on an iPhone activated with a phonebook card. This method required a bit of file handling and could have scared away the least technically oriented of you.
Fortunately, there is now an easier way to do that.
How to Fix the “Different SIM detected” on the iPhone
Step 1: Insert the phonebook SIM in your iPhone to get out of emergency mode.
Step 2: Go to Cydia and add the following source:
Step 3: In the PushFix repo, look for Hacktivation Patch and install it.
Step 4: Reboot your iPhone.
Done! You should now be able to swap SIM cards without any problem.